About The Club
The Hills Dog Club Inc. has been providing the community with dog training classes since 1979 and has used the Castle Hill Showground facilities since 1980.
Advanced Training
Our trainers are all experienced, having completed an initial 12-month Instructors’ Course run by the Club, along with ongoing education. Hills was one of the first Clubs in Sydney to conduct puppy classes.
We developed and provide a training program to teach basic exercises for pet dogs, supported by a training manual available to new members.
The manual contains details of our classes, methods used and numerous articles, which we hope give a better understanding of your relationship with your dog.
The Club is a progressive club using positive training methods with training being conducted on a flat collar. No check chains are used at the Club.
Obedience Trials and two Championship Shows
Hills Dog Club also holds various events throughout the year, from Obedience Trials and Championship Shows to Training Lectures for instructors and club members.
Hills Dog Club is a non-profit organisation run entirely by volunteers and we welcome all dog owners with any breed.